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Should You Have A Humidifier In Your Child’s Room?


It is common for Singaporeans to install humidifiers in their homes, as it helps to regulate humidity levels in indoor environments. Humidifiers are typically used to ease colds or other respiratory symptoms – nasal congestion, cough, difficulty breathing etc – as it often interferes with sleep. Theoretically, it makes sense: humidifiers work by adding moisture into the air, which helps to alleviate dryness in the airways. This makes it easier for your child to breathe and sleep better, especially if you always have the air-conditioning on.


But how safe is it for your child, and do you need one? Keep reading for what you need to know before you place a humidifier in your child’s room.


How do humidifiers work?


As its name suggests, humidifiers emit water vapour into the air to increase the moisture content so we can maintain a comfortable humidity level. The most common type is an ultrasonic humidifier, which uses high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations to produce a wet mist that’s diffused into the air.


Are humidifiers effective in treating respiratory infections?


The short answer is no. Although it’s often used to help clear up your child’s stuffy nose, a humidifier may not help ease symptoms. There is not enough evidence to support the use of humidifiers when treating respiratory infections. When not used or maintained correctly, these devices can cause more harm than good.


Due to the wet mist generated, humidifiers are identified as a potential breeding ground for mould, bacteria and other potential allergens to build up in the system. They can be dispersed into the air and end up in a child’s lungs, causing their symptoms to worsen. This can be harmful to anyone who inhales these airborne germs, especially young children and those with asthma or respiratory issues.


So what else can be done to combat this problem? Instead of a humidifier, consider a safe and effective solution like the BioCair air disinfection machine.


Humidifiers vs air disinfection machines: what are the differences?


Humidifiers only serve to pump moisture into your air, and lack the germ-killing features needed to eliminate the bacteria that gets forced back into the room. On the other hand, the BioCair air disinfection machine uses a specially formulated BC-65 solution to kill 99.999% of harmful germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungus and spores.


Unlike humidifiers that release wet mist, the BioCair disinfection machine produces a disinfecting dry mist that wipes out any traces of bacteria and germs upon contact. The mist generated is lightweight enough to stay suspended in the air, effectively eliminating a host of airborne pathogens before settling onto nearby surfaces to get rid of any lingering germs. Such pathogens lead to infections like the common cold if it is not being eliminated. What’s more, it is proven to be safe for daily usage without causing any inhalation or ingestion harm, making it an ideal choice to be used even around young children. Plus, you don’t have to deal with the issue of mould since the dry mist will not cause surfaces/furniture to be wet, and will actually help to get rid of spores that may lead to further mould growth.


Humidifier VS Air Disinfectant Machine


Disinfecting the air daily will not only help to prevent the spread of germs, but also keep your child safe, healthy and free of harmful airborne threats.



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