From the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become common knowledge that surfaces can be a major hotspot for bacteria and germs. Studies have since shed light on how viruses can spread rapidly through the air, with new evidence pointing to airborne transmission as the main route for Covid-19 infections. This was acknowledged by both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
What does airborne transmission mean?
According to WHO, airborne transmission is defined as “the spread of an infectious agent caused by the dissemination of aerosols that remain infectious when suspended in air over long distances and time”.
Aerosols are micro-sized liquid droplets that can be generated when a person breathes, coughs or sneezes, and are found to linger in the air for hours. These exhaled droplets may carry harmful bacteria and germs, as well as respiratory viruses such as influenza (the flu) – a highly contagious viral infection known to spread through aerosols. When inhaled by another person, these airborne particles can easily travel to one’s respiratory tract and cause severe infections.
How does airborne transmission affect you and your family?
Generally, the risk of transmission is said to be higher when you’re interacting in close proximity with an infected individual. It’s also worth noting that infection is more likely to occur in indoor settings or confined spaces with poor ventilation, as there’s limited air movement to disperse the particles.
This means that if you’re the one infected with the virus, there’s an increased risk for close friends or family members due to repeated exposure over a prolonged period of time, especially when you’re living in the same household. And with family members travelling in and out for school or work, it’s also possible for them to bring back bacteria and viruses from outside, causing the rest of your family to fall sick as a result. This can then lead to potential clusters or outbreaks in certain settings.
That’s why it’s important to adopt appropriate measures to ensure added protection for you and your loved ones.
How can we prevent airborne transmission with BioCair?
So, how can we stay safe from airborne infectious diseases? The first step is to get rid of the bacteria and germs in the air.
To reduce the chances of transmission at home, use BioCair Singapore’s air disinfection machines such as the Classic 250 Air Disinfection Machine.
To be used with the BioCair Air Purifying Solution, our air disinfection machines are designed to convert the disinfecting solution into a form of disinfectant dry-mist that’s light enough to stay airborne. By propelling the dry-mist throughout an entire space, it’s effective in not just killing bacteria and germs in the air, but also on the surfaces within a room. It gets to work quickly too, wiping out 99.999% of bacteria, viruses, fungus and spores within 60 seconds of contact.
Air disinfection should be performed on a daily basis, and in common areas of the home where you tend to spend most of your time in. For optimal results, it’s best to operate the machine in an enclosed area to ensure effectiveness. Turning it on for an hour each day after coming home or before going to bed is ideal.
By keeping the air safe, disinfected and pathogen-free, you can do your part in protecting yourself and your family.