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Not All Disinfectant Products Are Safe To Use. Here’s How To Tell


When it comes to choosing the right disinfectant, it’s important to make sure that the product has been evaluated to be safe for the intended use. While disinfectants are commonly used around the home, many consumers fail to consider underlying risks within the product. On top of the confusing labelling, it can be difficult trying to read between the murky lines of marketing lingo – which can sometimes mask a product’s true ingredients and effectiveness.


Why is it important to verify safety claims?


These products may claim to be “safe”, but it may not be what it seems. Disinfectants are used to eliminate germs that pose a threat to our health, but some of these off-the-shelf products make use of harmful chemicals such as alcohol and bleach to kill off pathogens. However, these ingredients may also cause skin irritations, respiratory problems and even lead to more serious health concerns in the long run, especially around children who are more vulnerable to toxic exposures.


How do you know if a product is safe to use?


A safe disinfectant should not contain any warning symbols or precautions on the product label, which would otherwise indicate the presence of toxic chemicals on the ingredients list. A little research will determine whether a brand is making truthful, accurate claims. Beyond running your own lab tests, one way to ensure credibility is through third-party testing. This helps to validate its safety and efficacy claims – whether or not a product delivers on its promises – allowing consumers to make well-informed decisions.


How does BioCair ensure that our products are safe for consumers?


Established in 2010, BioCair prides itself in creating trusted disinfectant products for our users without the use of harmful or toxic chemicals. Our range of disinfectants are proven to be completely non-toxic, irritant-free and safe for inhalation and ingestion, all while eliminating airborne and surface germs. It has a highly effective kill rate of 99.999%, and is certified to be safe for children of any age.


What Does Kill Rate 99.999 Mean


Throughout our 10 years of commercialisation, our products have been widely used by many customers without any reports of complications or adverse effects. With our proven track record, we can assure that there are no safety issues associated with any of our disinfectants so you no longer have to worry about your loved ones’ health and well-being.


At BioCair Singapore, your safety is our top priority — which is why we take extra care in making sure that our products meet requirements set by internationally recognised standards. To uphold our standards, all BioCair disinfectants are put through rigorous testing and are developed in line with highly stringent regulations under a reputable, third-party laboratory. Independent testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that the product is manufactured to the highest standards of safety and quality in all processes, so you can have complete confidence and assurance in us.


Our tests are done by TUV SUD, an internationally-accredited independent facility in Singapore with over 150 years of professional testing expertise.


Here’s a look at the various tests done by TUV SUD:


BioCair Testing Results


With the test results assessed and approved by a renowned accredited testing body like TUV SUD, we are able to place safe, tested and top quality products on the market for our consumers. Based on the findings, BioCair is tested and proven to be safe for use without irritating skin and eyes, and does not cause acute toxicity when inhaled or ingested. You may view our test report here to find out more information.


With our commitment in providing the highest level of safety, it’s our goal to develop quality products that protect your health while eliminating any safety risks. For the full list of testing certifications, head over here.



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